Informal and Conversational Spanish, Level 2.

Using the informal form in the past is a chatty way to use conversational Spanish and informal verbs. For example, you might ask questions like these;

Have you visited Spain before today?

What have you bought?

Where did you go on vacation?

Have you had breakfast?

How long have you worked here?

All these examples are very conversational. The kinds of things you would likely talk about, among friends. They are all taken from Shortcut to Informal Spanish Conversations Level 2.

The sentences actually use two different past tenses, but you don't even have to think about that. You see, I guide you with...

Small Steps That Make It Easy To Use This Conversational Spanish

Making Spanish conversations easy for you to understand and use is always my goal. After all, if you are confused how are you ever going to learn to use the language?

On the other hand, when the language is clear, understandable and you are engaged, learning Spanish becomes easy and fun.

So, today I have for you a nice easy lesson to give you a taste of the informal form. Actually, this is the first lesson from Shortcut to Informal Spanish Conversations, level two. Yet, it doesn't use the past tense, that comes later.

What you will talk about in this lesson are useful travel Spanish conversation topics. You speak about themes like;

Changing money... exchange dollars for pesos

Paying with a credit card

Asking prices

Seeing films

Going to the beach

Here is a guide to using the Informal for conversational Spanish

The guide includes a script of the audio. So, if you are unsure of a word, you always have the script to refer to.

Plus, I have made some notes in the script. It'll help you use this informal form and make practicing conversational Spanish smooth sailing for you.

Here's the informal audio lesson

I hope you enjoy it.


Marcus Santamaria